Maybe the Buckley book would be a good purchase ... but when I tried the "buy" link in the site it gave a "serious error"!
However, I have had a quick look through several books and found four in particular that mention the John Houghton 1696 list and give some (or very brief) comment on glasshouses in that period. The books are:
Glass-Making In England by H. J. Powell, 1923
From Broad-Glass to Cut Crystal, A History of The Stourbridge Glass Industry by D. R. Guttery, 1956
British Table and Ornamental Glass by L. M. Angus-Butterworth, 1956
Glassmakers of Stourbridge and Dudley 1612-2002 by Jason Ellis, 2002 ISBN 1-4010-6799-9 / ... 6798-0
Powell comments in Chapter VI that the Houghton details showed 26 glasshouses in and around London. In Chapter VII, for the provinces, Powell reports Houghton as 11 glasshouses in Newcastle, 9 in Bristol (and district), and 17 in the Stourbridge area. That makes a total for the Houghton lists of 37 provincial and 26 London, being a grand total of 63. But Powell's book only covers England, of course, and therefore excludes any in Wales that Houghton listed.
Guttery states 88 glasshouses were on the Houghton lists with 24 in London district, 11 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne and 17 in Stourbridge. That differs from Powell by 2 less for London. Again, no comments on Wales.
Angus-Butterworth tells us that Houghton listed 9 glasshouses in Bristol, which agrees with the figure from Powell.
So, the maximum from those sources is 88 (Guttery), but add on the 2 extra that Powell stated for London and we get 90 as per Anne's findings earlier.
Now, what does Ellis say for Stourbridge? Well, his book is basically a chronological listing of the glasshouses. Listing the ones extant in 1696 we get:
- Ridgrave Glasshouse, Hungary Hill founded between 1612 and1630 closed c1810 (or later)
- Holloway End Glasshouse, Amblecote c1623 - ? 18th/20th cent.
- Henzey's Brettell Lane Glasshouse c1630 - c1720
- Bague's Glasshouses, Bretttell Lane c1640 - 1886
- Withymoor Glasshouse, Amblecote 1666 - c1723
- Hawbush Glasshouse, Brettell Lane 1674 - c1733 (or later?)
- Hagley Glasshouse pre-1678 - c1716
- Jacob's Well Glasshouse, Audnum 1682 - c1715
- Heath Glassworks, Stourbiridge pre-1685 - 1882
- Fimbrell Glasshouse, Amblecote 1687 - c1750
- Harlestones Glasshouse, Coalbournbrook c1692 - ?1783 (or later)
- Coalbournehill Glassworks, Amblecote 1691 - (?) [eventually Webb Corbett until 1999]
That's only 12 for the Stourbridge area in 1696, so what happened to the other 5 that Powell and Guttery said were on the Houghton lists? Perhaps my assessment from the book is incorrect? Or maybe there is another explanation, hinted at by Guttery ...
... John Houghton likely gained much of his information via correspondenece and perhaps in listing glasshouses by type of glass made (broad-glass; bottles; flint, green & ordinary) he counted the same glasshouse more than once.
Ellis's book does offer names of other glasshouses outside of Stourbridge, as part of the biographical details but I have not studied those references in relation to 1696.
What I did note from Angus-Butterworth was that the glass tax imposed in 1695, to fund the war with France at that time, apparently caused the closure of many glass furnaces. In 1699 the tax was repealed and glassworks began to reform again. Therefore, Houghton's lists were only a snaphot of glassworks that still existed after the tax had been imposed.
What does this all mean?
I have no idea!
But there are 12 named glasshouses in there as a starting point, plus the Chelwood one I mentioned before. Just 77 (possibly) to go!