I understand some of the sensitivities of discussing live auctions, but how many rare or valuable weights slip through the net unspotted, and end up selling for well below true market value? My guess is very, very few - the most likely route being items offered on 'Buy it Now' at well below the market price, which are snapped up by the first person with adequate knowledge to spot them. There are hundreds - probably thousands - of knowledgeable glass collectors out there scanning eBay and other sources.
And if a weight is of uncertain or doubtful attribution, perhaps it is a service to others to question and discuss the attribution before they commit themselves to an excessively large bid? Or am I being too altruistic?
A few days ago I hoped that no one else had spotted an early Bohemian weight at a provincial English auction house - fat chance! There were several bidders in the room, several telephone lines, and it sold for £3,400! We have a global market, like it or not....