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Author Topic: Crystal Deer Chunk (signed ??) - PW or just Decorative? ID = Mats Jonasson  (Read 1212 times)

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Offline antiquerose123

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Hi, I bought this yesterday.  Not sure if it IS considered a PW, or just a decorative item.  I think I have seen things like this on Desks -- so that is why I also thought PW....but I will post here....and IF it needs to be moved, then that is OK.

Anyhow -
Heavy, heavy piece of glass (or crystal).  I do not know how you would describe it the Deer, as it is not etched in -- but (???) designed in the glass somehow.  It is about 4 inches tall, and about 4.75 inches wide (and 1.50 inches thick).  There is a signature on the bottom -- but HECK if I know what it says.  I did take some really close shots that I can post after -- if this basic shot of the signature does not turn up any clues.

Anyways -- anyone know?....And crystal, or just glass?

The bottom does have some wear -- so I (might) be guessing the late 70's, or the 80's made....Thxs

** (SIGNATURE on base -- posted in next post DOWN)
:fwr: Rose
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Re: Crystal Deer Chunk (signed ??) - PW or just Decorative?
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2010, 08:38:49 PM »
*** OOPS, here is the Signature also....**** I wanted to add that pic of the Deer as seen in 3-D in the glass ***

:fwr: Rose
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Offline antiquerose123

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Re: Crystal Deer Chunk (signed ??) - PW or just Decorative?
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2010, 09:02:16 PM »
Hi Rose,
it´s Mats Jonasson:

WOW - that was quick.  Thanks  :hiclp:  

I just took a gander at the Link you provided and it Does show the Deer there   You mean this cost $135 to buy ??  I bought it at the Thrift Store for $7.99, and was curious about the Signature.

Are these New?  As I do not see a date there for these -- and the Base on this does show wear (had a hard time to get a pic at all of the wear).

Thanks again for the Speedy response.  Where is he from?


Added, Just found this at this link:
Quoted from the above link:

More Information about Mats Jonasson Maleras Crystal SculpturesMats Jonasson was born in 1945, and he is the third generation of Master glass Craftsmen. He has developed new techniques for sandblasting glass and new ideas for designs with glass. Mats Jonnasson has been singular in capturing wildlife proportions into handmade crystal, and his feeling for shape, his accuracy of style and his detail is totally individual and has gained him recognition and reputation with collectors throughout the world.
These make great personal gifts as well as very nice professional or corporate award presentations. A message from Mats Jonasson
"Man is a type of mammal who takes most of the things which Mother Earth offers. We should therefore show more consideration for our friends int he flora and fauna. Nature has created different conditions for all the races in our world. It is important for our own survival that they can follow us on our journey through time We know that the dolphin has a large brains and a strongly pleated cortex which, according to our scientists, indicates high intelligence. What would we be today if evolution had equipped our extremities with hooves instead of hands and feet? One thing is sure: there had never been any Flutists!"
In his collection you will find many interesting items to choose from. Wolves cats dogs kittens tigers foxes ducks swans turtles sharks gorillas monkeys flowers owls lions bears tigers moose elephants orangutans lizards camels snake racoon buffalos koalas panda bears penguins turtles frogs lynx squirrels deer bunnies mouse sea otters whales trout marlin dolphins sailfish seahorses goldfish hawks swans mallards geese dove wren rooster butterflies horses dalmations golden retrievers terriers poodles basset hounds hearts viking ships totems vases bowls.

Målerås old glassworks was founded in 1890. This was the time when industrialism had seriously established itself in Sweden. In the village Målerås solidarity and the spirit of new enterprise had an ordeal during the 1980s, when the glassworks was threatened by outside capital take-over as well as by closing-down. Therefore some sensible people gathered around the fatal question concerning the continuous destiny of Målerås and decided to concentrate united efforts to reassure the future of the village. The engraving artist Mats Jonasson became one of the leading people within this process. Since 1981 he has been gathering capable people around him. This concentration has yielded results beyond expectation and inscribed the works in the Swedish glass history as one of the most successful. The production of glass reliefs that has become the characteristic of the works has turned out into a profitable business. Since 1981 the number of employees has increased from 15 to 90.

:fwr: Rose
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