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Author Topic: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856  (Read 10592 times)

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Offline Paul S.

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2012, 07:51:12 AM »
sorry Michelle - I'm 'standless' - never found one so don't possess any images of my own to show, so not remotely qualified to comment, and notice that many authors show boats without a stand.
If you have a copy of Thompson you will see on page 25 what appears to be your Ed. Bolton boat - but minus stand - so no help there.
On the same page - there is a reproducton of some comments from the Sowerby catalogue of the 1880's, which says......"one stand fits all boats" (which seems a little difficult to understand when you think of the enormous size variation).   It's always possible that if Sowerby produced only one pattern of stand then other factories did the same  -  but that's my opinion only, and quite possibly a wrong assumption.
Hajdamach omits any boats, and Sowerby is the only stand I can see off-hand.

You need someone who actually knows what they're talking about..........Bernard, Neil or Roy might be able to help  -  anyway I think they are underestimated in terms of interest, and congrats. for a good boot sale find.               Why don't you 'float' a separate thread on boats - and sincere apologies to Roy for massive hijacking of his subject.

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2012, 08:10:43 AM »
I hope that one of the pressed experts will be able to help you Michelle, with information on stands  -  but I can of course look in the records and take a picture of Rd. 39414 when next I go to Kew - assuming there are images of both the boat and stand.

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2012, 03:17:51 AM »

I am not sure why you assume that there will be a stand as most of these boats made by various makers did not have stands.  The only boats with stands that I am familiar with are the Sowerby 1874 pattern boats.


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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2012, 07:49:16 AM »
thanks for the correction Sid  -  must admit I was making an assumption - and certainly the few I have do all sit on level bases, so a stand not essential.

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2012, 07:30:19 PM »
I've just seen on the web site that George Davidson produced a boat which sat on a pair of wheels  -  whether this came as a single piece of glass, or if the wheels were separate, I don't know.

Offline Paul S.

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2012, 07:47:52 PM »
apparently comes as a single pressing - there's one on ebay at the moment.

Offline mhgcgolfclub

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2012, 11:45:14 AM »

I have a few pictures of one in amber I had a while back


Offline Paul S.

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2012, 11:56:43 AM »
thanks Roy  -  I think the ebay example I mentioned was brown as well.    I've not seen one yet (in the flesh so to speak) - but I think they'd make an interesting themed collection - problem is that I keep lusting after those rarefied opalescent examples showing in Raymond Notley's book.    I saw an interesting boat in flint when I was at Ardingly in recent weeks  -  a shape/design I'd never seen before, and which looked very interesting, but I baulked at the price of £12 - £15, but wish now I'd bought it.   Maybe it'll be there next time I visit.
All this hijacking and moving away from your comport post is Michelle's fault, not mine ;D  -  but thanks for the pic of your boat -  why did you part with the amber example?

Offline mhgcgolfclub

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2012, 01:21:38 PM »
Paul the boat was the wrong colour I only collect clear pressed glass mostly a few coloured items . I do not have the room to keep everything so decided only clear glass as its quite cheap to buy. I have at least 150 pieces some of it is used through the year. If I collected the more expensive pieces it would cost a lot and I would not like to use them .

The sowerby sea  green opal coloured  boats are quite common they are not uranium I see them quite often not with there bases though. The yellow pearline boats are not so common but I have had a couple in the past few years.

I think the most rare of the boats are the Sowerby large slag glass ones, not the small 6" purple slag glass boat, not sure but may have been made by Greener.

You try and find a Sowerby 10" purple slag glass boat . I can remember one selling on ebay quite a few years ago for about £300, they made the large boat in blue as its in the millars guide so most likely made in green . I have seen many opalescent pearline and opal coloured large boats but never found a large slag glass one yet.


Offline bat20

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Re: Early pressed glass Peter Robinson & Edward Bolton Comport 1856
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2013, 01:02:31 PM »
I thought this might be interesting to some,it's the larger sized oval dish,29cm long and 19cm wd,Robinson&Bolton 23rd june 56 date lozenge.It's a quite heavy robust piece and i was surprised to discover it's age.


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