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Re: Glass Trinket Sets website
« Reply #100 on: February 21, 2022, 03:45:59 PM »
Hi all, I just wanted to flag up that, thanks to Mike Tomlin allowing access to his fabulous Sowerby catalogues on the Victorian Pressed Glass website, I have been able to add several new patterns to this section, and to positively identify pattern numbers and names for the sets listed as Tynesyde #2, #3 and #4. Also many of the catalogue images have been updated to larger clearer versions. Now the hunt is on to find photos to show each set on the relevant page - can you help?

The new and updated patterns are:

1107, a set from 1892,

2439 "Norwich" - similar to "Minor",

2478 "Maid" pattern confirmed (formerly mystery #099),

2487 - set with pin-tray and set with ring-holder,

2501 - earlier set with flared candlesticks, later set with smaller upright candlesticks,

2522 Diamond - "County" with the 2522 candlesticks (formerly mystery #053)

2590 (formerly thought to be a variant of 2636),

2612 - (formerly mystery #003),

2636 - (formerly mystery #015),

2630 has variant candlesticks confirmed,

2636 - (formerly mystery #015),

2707 - (formerly mystery #175),

Berkley - not one I've seen before,

Beverley - an unusual set with the 2501 tray and the standalone candlestick (formerly mystery #049),

Bute, similar pattern to Beverley but with the Tynesyde tray,

Cadet - confirmation of the 2510 tray with this set and the large pot with finial,

Countess (7 piece) and Regal (5 piece) - with the Tynesyde variant tray,

Manchester - similar to taller candlesticks, shorter candlestick set also available as Manchester which matches 2487,

Toby (7 piece) and Plaza (5 piece) - with the 2501 tray and Bute pots and candlesticks,

Tynesyde - a narrower oval tray as used in Countess and Regal sets,
Cheers! Anne, da tekniqual wizzerd
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Re: Glass Trinket Sets website
« Reply #101 on: August 27, 2022, 06:41:34 PM »
Hi all, I just wanted to flag up that, thanks to Mike Tomlin allowing access to his fabulous Sowerby catalogues on the Victorian Pressed Glass website, I have been able to add several new patterns to this section, and to positively identify pattern numbers and names for the sets listed as Tynesyde #2, #3 and #4. Also many of the catalogue images have been updated to larger clearer versions. Now the hunt is on to find photos to show each set on the relevant page - can you help?

These catalogues are a treasure trove, I'd like to add my thanks to Mike Tomlin for making them available! Also thanks to you Anne, I can see you've done loads of hard work both on here and GTS.

Now for me to have a good study of all the info and fab images, and see if I can add anything useful.  :)
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