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Author Topic: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik  (Read 22822 times)

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #70 on: July 23, 2019, 01:09:41 PM »

I still don't think either of these pieces are Monart - the fact that both are the same colorway and neither have the correct bases makes me think it is more  likely another maker. The Etsy piece linked to doesn't look like a Monart shape to me even taking into account the known variations in their pieces, also the way the colours are applied look too "spotty".

Cloisonne was made by Monart throughout production and pieces were also made under the later Vasart label, early Monart pieces were highly irridised caused by impurities in the gas.

Please see a link to a piece on Frank's Ysart glass site for comparison:
also link to previous discussion:,11333.10.html
 and Franks quote "Perhaps I had better issue a recall for the book Ysart Glass, because the book shows several examples of cloissoné decoration and only with pontil buttons"
Also shown is a pic of my Monart cloisonne (uranium) piece with typical pontil button base.

I do hope Frank or someone else comes along to give their opinion soon  :)


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Offline chopin-liszt

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #71 on: July 23, 2019, 01:41:33 PM »
The variation in bases has already been discussed, and given how thinly stretched out the bottom is, it would not have been able to take a button. My brother is sure is it Monart Ware - early and experimental stuff, with inconsistent finishes.
I don't know anything about Cloisonne being made throughout, I was always of the impression it was scarce and tended to be early.
I don't have Frank and Ian's book, so I can't check that.
Both shapes of vase are illustrated on the website.
Cheers, Sue M. (she/her)

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #72 on: July 23, 2019, 02:59:17 PM »
Sorry, I can't find the shape of the Etsy vase on Ysart glass.
Also, if you look at the enlarged images of the base picture you can see a pattern like a series of rings  - this is not a Monart base. The pieces were given their final shaping held on the punty rod ...
   "the end of the rod is dipped into the furnace pot to collect a small gather of glass. This is then pushed against the centre of an unfinished glass object on the blowing iron. The iron is then removed, leaving the object attached to the pontil rod." (extract from Ysart Glass book)

when broken off this leaves the pontil scar or mark, usually just ground smooth in Monart glass.

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #73 on: July 23, 2019, 03:08:49 PM »
I didn't go searching for the shape but my brother did and he found it. (I'm no good at finding anything in computerland or peering at catalogues.)
No system of storing things is compatible with the way I put things away.
Unfortunately, we haven't got the glass in our mitts to see and feel how it really is.
I do know how pontil rods and the marks they leave, work and how they're treated and why. :-*

A series of rings on the base suggests a mould. I'll go back and peer, and tell my brother to as well.

I've peered - no rings on the base.  :)
There are a few around it, on the body, but that's just manufacturing.
Cheers, Sue M. (she/her)

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #74 on: July 23, 2019, 04:25:04 PM »
Is it not shape PC here?

Under "variations" - it says; proportions vary.  ;D
Cheers, Sue M. (she/her)

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #75 on: July 23, 2019, 05:03:50 PM »
The Etsy piece is now an eBay piece.
Its really interesting hearing all the views.
There is no mistake that the colour is a match as clearly shown in my comparison images.
The shape is also clearly shown but anyone can copy a shape.
I have always had an issue with the base having no outer ring or polished button but have been told that’s not always the case especially on earlier items.That was news to me.
That’s all I can say.If I knew for definite I would not have posted so I will leave it for the experts to dissect and happily take the views of the majority.
It’s all good either way.

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #76 on: July 23, 2019, 05:28:48 PM »
I had to dig around to find the etsy link. (I couldn't find it listed on ebay, but I can't see international stuff for some reason, just ukish stuff. Don't tell me to try a different endy bit on the address. It ignores me and defaults back.)
I see it is still listed, but as Monart, not Durand, and the price has risen considerably too.
And now I've realised I was searching for the wrong shape. I found FB's one.

Cheers, Sue M. (she/her)

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #78 on: July 23, 2019, 06:31:02 PM »
I've written to ask for where that shape was found in a catalogue. I couldn't find it.
But not everything is illustrated, and I did see a shape which has a variation I know of, but isn't shown. (Shape FI does exist without any flange on top.)

However, the shape we can't find, the etsy one, is not an unusual sort of general vase shape, is it?
Cheers, Sue M. (she/her)

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Re: Surface decorated crackle type glass not Monart poss Loetz Kralik
« Reply #79 on: July 23, 2019, 08:04:27 PM »
That ebay/etsy one looks the same shape but just has a neck and rim attached.
Is it a variation?

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