Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass


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regarding BAROKKI : information originated from - unfortunately pages have vanished  :wsh:,4578.0.html


Kamenicky : Thank you, Jindrich, shall correct that  :sm:

Px, I think you made your point in your first post. The second one was unnecessary and in my opinion somewhat rude to Pamela, and has as such been deleted.

Not necessarly, Pamela, why not write Berlyn instead of Berlin :-)


Anne, thank you for letting me (and everyone else) know.   :)

I personally feel the point of attribution's reliability and spreading only correct information in general is very important and certainly cannot see anything rude in taking up this example as it as such was a good one. This is a global forum and for many of us this is only about glass, nothing personal.

In case you feel it is okay to leave this thread as it is (i.e. with your above message included) although future readers do not have the possibility to evaluate themselves if I really was rude or not, I don't mind. For me this is about glass.

PS. Really sorry, Pamela, if I hurt your feelings, nothing personal. I still feel I had a point.   :)

Cathy B:
All the senior members of the GMB encourage rigorous proof when giving attributions, and in most circumstances hearsay, eBay attributions and guesswork based on 'feel' are not acceptable as an absolute attribution.

However, even the most careful will occasionally make a mistake. When this happens, it's important to point this out, but rest assured that this is an issue the most people on the GMB do take very seriously.


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