I do not know much either, sorry. But what I find googling in the local language is this:
It seems Studiolasi Oy was founded 1977 when Riihimäen Lasi moved on to their so called "Kotilasi" era (only machine made mass production) so some of the big names of design apparently worked for Studiolasi after that for some time. Aimo Okkolin and Oiva Toikka mentioned too.
Studiolasi Oy still seems to exist. (In Kuortti, Pertunmaa, Finland) Here:
http://preview.tinyurl.com/37loomyand distribute hand made glass.
I found many kinds of birds made by them, also flowers and as the location by a main road is suitable for tourists to pop in, the items may be suitable for souveniers?
There seems to be a possibility for misunderstandings as some speak of "studiolasi" as a term for "lasi" (=glass) made in a "studio" meaning hand made glass. So all instances where the word is mentioned may not point to the actual company "Studiolasi Oy"