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Author Topic: Chippendale Jacobean & Georgian  (Read 5019 times)

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Chippendale Jacobean & Georgian
« on: September 28, 2004, 09:41:31 AM »
Hi Everyone
I know G Davidson made Chippendale pattern glass, I have a copy of a catalouge, thanks to Chris at Cloud Glass.

I believe also Jacobean, although I have not seen any proof. Clayton Mayers did take out Rd Designs, I have some piece's with Rd No on them.

There was another pattern, called Georgian, which Davidson is claimed to have made.

I have for some years tryed to find this pattern, or what it looks like please take a look at this link  

This is an advert from an English magazine, called, Good Housekeeping, I bought a box full of these magazines, they are from 1924 to 1932.

Would be interested in any comments on this Georgian pattern glass, as I know this to be the pattern called American by Fostoria Glass Co USA.

Did Davidson make some from Fostoria molds, for National Glass Co, to get round high import tax, as in the Chippendale and Jackobean example.

Tony in NZ

Offline ChrisStewart

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Chippendale Jacobean & Georgian
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2004, 11:57:43 AM »
Hi Tony,

Davidson definately made Jacobean and Chippendale glassware and both are well documented. I do not believe they made Georgian glassware for Nation Glass Co in any quantities.

Chippendale and Georgian were the two main suites of glassware that National Glass imported from America. However when we have looked in the surviving Davidson production records there is no indication that they made Georgian as well as Chippendale (I have a list of Chippendale and Jacobean styles they actually made). The surviving production records start in Febrauary 1932 and run up to 1945.

However, they must have made a few items as a trial probably in 1930/1931 as there is a sugar bowl in Georgian style which can be attributed to Davidson. The sugar bowl has 'Made in England' on the base and comes with a chrome or plated lid. I know of only two examples, one in my collection and one Bernard sold on Ebay last year. Both are in Davidson Jade and have different style of lids. I will post an image later today or tomorrow.

Chippendale was always the more popualr suite, so maybe National Glass decided to drop Georgian and concentrate on Chippendale.

Just to confuse matters, Davidson made a Tumbler called Georgian - it looks a bit like a jacobean tumbler.


from Chris Stewart - The Cloud Glass Reference Site - Information on Davidson Glass

All images (c) Chris and Val Stewart unless otherwise stated

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« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2004, 04:04:45 PM »
Tony & Chris,

What a wonderful discovery, Tony.   You have found the missing link between Fostoria American and the British production, that so puzzled us before I put my little jade pot up for sale.

You will find my pot illustrated via

Note that this was written before Chris and Val came up with their much more accurate material and dates on Davidson Jade.

In my eBay listing, I included the following two points:

1. "It ... carries a "MADE IN ENGLAND" mark in relief on the inside base, which is typical Davidson wording and was punched into the mould using Davidson's mouldmaker's standard set of letter punches."

You are aware of my enthusiasm for identification by comparing punched lettering and numbers.   These punches were expensive tools and were often in use for many decades.   Sowerby used two different sets between the 1930s and the '60s - I believe this just indicates that they had two master mouldmakers, each with his own set of punches.

2. "The pattern is Fostoria's "American" range, and appears to be identical in all respects other than colour to a pot shown bottom centre in a sample page of a recent book on Fostoria "American" at ..."

Unfortunately the link at the end of this no longer works.   Suffice it to say that measurements matched exactly, and if the mould did not originate from Fostoria, via National Glass, it was an amazingly close copy, too close to have happened by chance.

You have also explained why Bagley did not associate a name with this pattern at any time.   It already had one!

Brilliant.   I wonder how many people have looked at that advertisement and not realised its major importance to the history of C20 pressed glass, not just in the UK, but internationally.

Tony - could you be so kind as to post an issue number and/or date for this magazine, so that we can cite it properly.

I have had a most enjoyable week.   Almost exactly seven days ago we were arriving on Murano.   Your news is like the icing on the cake.

Bernard C.  :D
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Offline ChrisStewart

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Chippendale Jacobean & Georgian
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2004, 08:48:06 PM »
Hi Tony and Bernard,

The earliest advert I have for Georgian Glassware by National Glass in the Pottery Gazette is January 1921, but I think they were selling Georgian glass before then. They advertised frequently for the next few years and then stopped. After that the only adverts you see are for Chippendale.

I guess Chippendale was the big seller and they either stopped selling Georgian or only sold in low volumes such that advertising was not worth while

Just to confuse matters the U.S Glass Company also had a range of glassware called Georgian.

As Bernard has put in a link to his jade jar, I have not looked out for mine. the only difference is mine has a lid with built in sugar tongs.


from Chris Stewart - The Cloud Glass Reference Site - Information on Davidson Glass

All images (c) Chris and Val Stewart unless otherwise stated


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Chippendale Jackobean & Georgian
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2004, 08:34:45 AM »
Hi Chris & Bernard
Many thanks to you both for your help

The advert is in Good Housekeeping August 1925 Vol VII No 6.

The Georgian pattern made by US Glass is a panel pattern a bit like Chippendale, first introduced in 1915 ( The Collector's Enccyclopedia of Pattern Glass by Mollie Helen McCain )

There a lot of adverts in these magazines, for Jacobean Chippendale Stuart Crystal, the Jacobean are interesting as the name and retail price for each piece is in the advert.

I will try and scan some more and place them in my album at Photobucket. and  then post a link.


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