This is a mystery. There was a mid-century Murano company, IVR Mazzega, that employed many of the great Murano masters. The IVR stood for Industrie Vetrarie Riunite. IVR Mazzega evolved from Romana Mazzega, then Fratelli Mazzega (1929-1950). The company closed in 1983. Your label is not one I have seen associated with them. I mentioned them because the meaning of the IVR is probably the same, so may help you track down the maker. Mazzega was apparently never known as Murano IVR.
I cannot see the bird picture well enough to tell for sure how old it might be (too small to see detail). Animal production started in earnest in Murano during the 1930s. Most, but not all, bird-on-pedestal forms are from the 1950s and later. Your bird looks like it might be gold on lattimo, which is a technique popular for 1930s animals.
Do your labels look like they might be old? The one you show strikes me as more recent, probably because it is in such good shape.