Hi Andy and Paul, I've come out of hiding to say that I'm another collector of wine glasses!
I collect mainly etched and engraved, but also some cut, if they are pretty. And yes, I'm still totally ignorant of age and quality etc. (Paul, your words are wise - thank you :thup:) as I generally just buy what I like the look of. I do try not to buy what is obviously modern, but I suspect my collection includes many which are not as early as I thought when I first saw them
Andy, photographing clear and cut glass is the most difficult thing to get right, in my experience! As Paul says, black is good, but good lighting is vital!
Replacements is a very good place to look for patterns, if you have a spare few hours (days? :spls:) to browse through the images there. Do as Paul says and double check for a very pale maker's mark on the foot! They can indeed be very difficult to find. Many however won't have one.
I like your glasses, and would say they were a reasonably nice quality, but my first response would be that they didn't have all that much age. However, as I said before, I'm by no means an expert at this! :pb:
Anyway, it's nice to see another stem-ware collector around! :thup: