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Author Topic: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house  (Read 4152 times)

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I'm interested in this particular glass house connected with a piece I own that I know was made for them by another maker.
I've used google translate (the second link should give an English translate version) but I just want to be sure that I have understood it correctly.  This glasshouse is listed as a manufacturer of glass in Truitt's, not only a refiner/decorator of glass.  Does this information confirm that this is the case please?

Thank you in advance for any help, which is much appreciated.

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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2014, 06:55:23 AM »
Unable to help with Czech however the first link you gave is in German language and the translation is not too bad.
If you are looking for Clemens Rasch:

""Im Jahre 1830 errichteten hier die Gebrüder Görner eine Glasraffinerie, die später in den Besitz von Franz Pelikan überging. 1855 wurde sie von der Firma Clemens Rasch und Sohn, die 30 Jahre später hier eine eigene Glashütte baute, übernommen und vergrössert.

 In 1830 the brothers built here Goerner a glass refinery, which later passed into the possession of Francis pelican. In 1855 it was taken over and enlarged by the company Clemens Rasch and son here own glassworks built 30 years later. ""

"""Die Glashütte Clemens Rasch wurde nach dem Kriege in den staatlichen Betrieb Jablonecké sklárny eingegliedert und arbeitete bis 1966.

The glassworks Clemens Rasch was incorporated after the war in the state operating Jablonecké sklárny and worked until 1966."""

Here are two postcards from Ullrichsthal:
1905      1936 

Hope this helps  :)
Die Erfahrung lehrt, dass, wer auf irgendeinem Gebiet zu sammeln anfängt, eine Wandlung in seiner Seele anheben spürt. Er wird ein freudiger Mensch, den eine tiefere Teilnahme erfüllt, und ein offeneres Verständnis für die Dinge dieser Welt bewegt seine Seele.
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Alfred Lichtwark (1852-1914)

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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2014, 07:27:25 AM »
Pamela thank you :)

I'm interested particularly in the mid 1800 period.
So as I understand it, it seems that Clemens Rasch and Son took over a Glass refinery (not manufactury) in 1855.
But then in 1885 (30 yrs later), built their own glassworks (I understand this to mean they were able to produce their own glass from that point on).

This solves my query as to why a piece of glass I own, made in the 1870's by another maker, was made for Clemens Rasch. 
I had believed from what I'd read in Truitt's and up to finding this article, that CR were a manufacturer of glass(which they were for the period the Truitt's book covers onwards), but it seems they were not producing their own glass until 1885 then.

Clearly at the point my piece was made, Clemens Rasch  were still a refinery :)

It seems we may have the answer as to who enamelled my gigantic jug with insects on  ;D   Very happy.  Thank you.

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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2016, 03:25:15 PM »
In another piece of literature I came across this information (translated by Google)

' Im nächsten Absatz lesen wir weiter: "Anno 1885 wurde die Roh glasfabrik des
Clemens Rasch in Ullrichsthal gebaut und in Betrieb gesetzt."

In the next paragraph we read : " Anno 1885, the raw glass factory of
Clemens Rasch built in Ullrich Thal and put into operation . "

which seems to support my comment above that they started making raw glass in 1885.


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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2017, 09:08:48 PM »
V roce 1830 tu bratři Görnerové postavili rafinerii skla, jejímž majitelem se později stal Franz Pelikan. Roku 1855 ji převzala a rozšířila firma Clemens Rasch a syn, která tu o 30 let později zřídila také vlastní sklářskou huť.  V té době bylo v Mistrovicích a Oldřichově 32 sklomalířských ateliérů, 31 dílen rytců skla a 6 pasířských dílen.

In 1830 brothers Görner's had built the glass cutting/painting workshop that belonged later to Franz Pelikan. In 1855 this one had been overtaken and enhanced by company Clemens Rasch and son. This company has estabilished here also glass furnace 30 years later. At that time had been 32 glass painting workshops and 31 glass cutting/engraving workshops and also 6 art-blacksmith workshops.

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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2017, 09:20:19 PM »
thank you Jindrich :)

I've not done much on this lately but
I'm no closer to finding anything out about Clemens Rasch in the 1870s unfortunately.
I have worked out that at that time they were a refinery not a maker so that is presumably why a Harrach jug went to them for decorating (I believe it went blank).
At least I am pretty close to knowing it was decorated at Clemens Rasch or that the decorator was working for them.

My biggest problem with my love of old Czech glass is that I cannot get my head around where in Bohemia each of the makers was situated. I probably need to print off a map somehow with them all on there :)
At the moment I think I have a piece of blue agatin glass from c 1830 but trying to work out who might have decorated it is a problem I need to get my head around  ;D

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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2017, 09:34:07 PM »
 Cont... In Oldrichov and Mistrovice.

Před 2. světovou válkou byla nejvýznamnějším oldřichovským podnikem sklářská huť a rafinerie Clemens Rasch, která vyráběla hlavně surovinu pro místní zušlechťovatele a jako jedna z prvních v regionu byla vytápěna generátorovým plynem. Mimoto zde byly ještě další čtyři větší a několik menších rafinerií. Asi 40 rodin se věnovalo zušlechťování skla v domácích dílnách, převážně jako kuliči nebo malíři skla. Dále zde byly pasírny, rytecká dílna a pletárna košů.
Koncem 2. světové války byl Oldřichov sloučen s Mistrovicemi, jako Nový Oldřichov. V letech 1945-1946 byla většina původních německých obyvatel odsunuta a velká část sklářských dílen zanikla. Sklářská huť Clemens Rasch se po válce stala součástí Jabloneckých skláren a pracovala až do roku 1966, kdy byla uzavřena. Její objekty pak ještě nejaký čas sloužily jako sklady a koncem 80. let byly zbořeny.

Before WWII was the biggest company in Oldrichovice glasswork and glass cut/paint workshop Clemens Rash. It had fabricated the glass for future cutting/engraving/painting for local producers and also one from the first in region had been heated by coal gas. Moreover, at place acted another four larger glass cut/paint factories and several smaller ones as well. About 40 families had their job in glass cutting, painting or engraving. Also art-blacksmith's shops and baked-makers had been there.

On the end of II war was Oldrichov united with Mistrovice to Novy (New) Oldrichov. During 1945-1946 was majority of original German spoken citizens deported ant the most of glassworks had vanished.

After WWzII glasswork Clemens Rash had became a part of Jablonecke sklarny and worked up to the closing in 1966. Buildings had been used as stocks for a while and on the end if 80ties had been demolished.

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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2017, 09:53:53 PM »
Well, to make a map might be usefull, BUT.....

It is very painfull part of our history, for both nations - Czech and German that for thousands years had lived side by side in these glass regions in Bohemia.

In many small towns and also villages was many anonymous painters, engravers, it is rather impossible to attribute all preciosly. You might be posdibly able to find the raw glass piece producer, but who and where it was engraved/painted you will probably never  discover.

The difficulty and also pain is in this subject.
After WWII the majority of Getman spoken Bohemians had been deported, and really not very gently, to Germany. It was penalty for their former support of Adolf, even not all of them did really was big funs of him. Many villages had disapeared totaly and some of them had been renamed from German to Czech (Haida is Novy Bor, for example). When you will study the glass from 19th century, you will mostly find the German names of locations, and without deep knowledge it will be hard to find the nowadays name of it in Czech.

Seems to me that the best man who can help you is Dr. PETR NOVY from Musem if Glass in Jablonec n/N. He is the expert for this region and not only for it.

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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2017, 10:00:59 PM »
thank you.
Yes, you are exactly right - my biggest problem is not knowing what the Czech name is for the place - I have managed to sort some out but have to revisit every single time as I forget which is which.  And I cannot fathom out a single word of Czech because I don't 'recognise' the words at all.

Petr is the person who identified my jug on email and gave me the pattern copy for it :)

My interest in the painter or decorator of the jug is because it is so absolutely superbly done, and it looks as though it was done not only by an artist but an artist who was expert at using glass enamels and particularly in enamelling  insects.  The use of the enamel colours and the detail is exquisite.

On my new piece I think I might ask for help.  I feel 99% sure it is c 1830 maybe 1820 and is a blue agatin glass that has been enamelled.
I think it might be from Novy Bor or Kamenický Šenov  (Franz Anton Zahn) (source- Das Bohmische Glas Band II pp35), I think most likely Zahn.
My problem with that is that I need to search in Czech and that is very difficult for me unfortunately.


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Re: Need some help with a Czech translation please re a glass house
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2017, 10:30:40 PM »
the other option I found was possibly Egerman but I think it is more likely Zahn than Egermann.

however then there is this information

'...Let's see what the enamel are produced, used or could use Egermann for his painting and his work for many painters workshop, all of which are not yet documented painters on glass milk Hübner, Rudolf Schlegel and Alois Eiselt; on the glass (possibly from the glassworks in Upper Chřibské) also painted Ignatius Fritsch from Falknov. In a significant number of the findings are fragments mainly glass milk hollow and flat glass dark blue, some in the vista with a purplish tinge, glass, green and so. "Meergrün" honey yellow, both of different tones of color opal glass light blue and sky blue, and - what is still the slightest idea - black and red hyalite. Red haylite And there is also transferred cased crystal glass (!). This Hyalite glass was melted here, as evidenced by their findings also melt. In parallel, there is also a series of thin fragments of different products, which are to look black, not unlike black hyalite, when activated light source, however, are deep blue, purple or blue-violet and green. Several fragments of products, as well as cut, red hyalite is identical to intact objects in the collections of some of the exhibits at home and abroad. In the written sources variously colored glass are set up since by 1834.'

So Egermann is a distinct possibility (my piece is opaque blue but then very strangely becomes bright purple when held close to bright light).  Although the effect is more like the Zahn piece and the enamelling more like the Novy Bor piece in the book, they are all close? so it could have been a combination of made somewhere and enamelled in the style of the day by an outside decorator.

I will post it as a separate piece for help :)


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