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Author Topic: Several Signed Vases & Threaded Tumbler? Who?  (Read 3001 times)

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Offline dagart

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Several Signed Vases & Threaded Tumbler? Who?
« on: June 14, 2006, 03:40:47 PM »
Good Morning!
 I'm addicted to glass and can't pass it up when found!  Most of the glass in my collection is contemporary but I do have a few older pieces.  Most of the pieces are signed but my background in contemporary glass is limited, so I'll ask the members for help once again.
 All of my glass was purchased in the Boston, MA. area.. My images below show the vases, the signatures. and bases. The last set of images show a tumbler with applied thread. Any thoughts?  Thanks once again for your help.

   Red Glass Pulled Vase

   Poppy Vase

   Heavy Blue Molded Vase

   Threaded Glass Tumbler Signed TLC

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Offline Pat

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Several Signed Vases & Threaded Tumbler? Who?
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2006, 04:08:11 PM »
I don't know who they are by but I love your your red glass pulled one.
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Offline dagart

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Several Signed Vases & Threaded Tumbler? Who?
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2006, 04:30:58 PM »
Thanks Pat!  I agree with you! The red glass vase with the pulled design is a charmer! The pictures don't do it justice!

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Offline Nancy128

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Several Signed Vases & Threaded Tumbler? Who?
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2006, 02:32:03 AM »
I agree with everyone else, the red pulled vase is definitely a KEEPER.  Love it!!!  Sorry that I can't help you with identification.  You're from Boston right?  Maybe you could tell us how and where you acquired it?  Was it from an estate sale, garage sale, glass shop, the mall, etc.  I really like this one, but also I like the the tumbler.  There is a local guy here in Amarillo, TX that does work like that but unfortunately his signature doesn't match up to yours.  Have you tried sending these pics to the Corning Museum?  This glassboard and the Corning people helped me out tremendiously on a piece about a year ago.  If you need help how to send the pics to them, just ask.  Everyone here is WONDERFULLY helpful.

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Offline dagart

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Several Signed Vases & Threaded Tumbler? Who?
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2006, 03:27:47 AM »
Hello Nancy,
 Thanks for taking a moment to share your thoughts.. I picked up six vases and 4 tumblers at auction last night.  The price was right! I found a real keeper at auction last week, which I posted here eariler in the week, and hope to discover something about it.  It's amazing how little is known about contemporary glass and the artists who make it when its sold at auction.  Everyone is looking for Tiffany, Loetz, Older glass, etc. and when new glass is offered, it sells at bargain prices. Bargain prices when compared to Tiffany that is!  I haven't made an attempt to contact the people at Corning but will if you think it will help.  Yes, the red pulled vase will stay in my collection for the time being. Maybe in 100 years or so, who knows, it might become valuable!  LOL! Thanks again!

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Offline Nancy128

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Several Signed Vases & Threaded Tumbler? Who?
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2006, 03:55:11 AM »
Dan, I definitely think the people at Corning can help.  They deal with "old" and "new" glass.  When you go on to their site ( look for the tab "contact us" and then email the curator with attached pictures.  They might not get back to you right away, but they will get back to you with a response.  Good luck.  
I agree with you that buying contemporary glass that is on the cutting edge is definitely a good investment.  There are so many times that I think to myself when I'm paying for a piece of glass that is 100 some odd years old that if I only lived back at that time would I have ever realized that I am buying a piece of glass that is going to be worth some money to my family when I'm creamated and ashes blowned to the wind?  Only you can decide that.  As I mentioned before, I have bought some VERY expensive glass from this 25 year old that has won several US awards and has been written up in the local newspapers, he's in Italy right now from an invitation from..... I can't remember the glass house but, to learn from the best, like Murano.  I'm sure it's Murano, but who the teacher is I'm at a loss right now.  It's funny though, before I had bought some pieces from him I had owned a restaurant and one of my servers had turned me on to him.  He blew rings, beads, bracelets, and pot pipes for a living!!!  Who would of thought that this young blower would have the reputation that he has now, and to think what his work will be in a 100 years.  It's so exciting to buy contemporary pieces to know that someday your family will have something of an heirloom and hopefully a GREAT story behind the glass.

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Offline dagart

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Several Signed Vases & Threaded Tumbler? Who?
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2006, 01:34:44 PM »
Nancy!  My Motto is;  If you like it, buy it if you can but sell it if you must! It would be nice if someday, the glass was worth a small fortune but unless your children understand the value of glass and treasure it themselves, the darn things will end up on a table in front of the house with a $.50 tag on it!  :cry:
Thanks for the link.  I'll try contacting Corning later today. Hopefully they will have a few answers.  

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