Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Resolved Paperweight Queries

Paperweight, made in scotland, but which maker? ID = John Deacons

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This paperweight is 2.5 inches in diameter and has a white round label on the base with MADE IN SCOTLAND in black lettering on it. Unfortunately I've lost the base photo which I know makes ID difficult bu it appeared to have a polished concave pontil under the label.
Any clues as to maker would be greatly appreciated.

Hi there,

Those canes would very similar than the ones in Edinburgh crystal millefiori weights, i.e. the ones made for them by Caithness. So made be your weight is a Caithness product.


Hi Ronnie,

I agree with SophieB the canes are very similar to those used in Edinburgh weights. But I feel St. Kilda is also a good possibilty, they also used similar star centered canes.


These canes have been used by Caithness (but this weight doesn't look Caithness to me) and others - like John Deacons (who made the St.Kilda - amongst other names - weights). John Deacons also used a label "Made in Scotland" with a thistle in the centre - before he had his "John Deacons" labels printed. So this definitely is a possibility - but it would be better to see the label.


Hi. The strings of bubbles strongly suggest a John Deacons piece to me.



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