thanks - if there's one thing we learn about glass designs, it's that for reasons of success, popularity or whatever, some endure for a very long time, and there are known Stuart patterns that have been used over many decades - 'Beaconsfield' must have been going for a century or thereabouts and some of Kny's cut patterns have had long lives.
Knowing this does mean that it's wise be a tad circumspect about dating a piece of glass solely on the pattern - it might have been made early in the life of the design, but equally possibly much later, and there are other factors that can help - style of the backstamp and wear should also help.
This are some v.g. similarities between the decanter and the bowl - certainly wouldn't surprise me if there is a connection, but will decline for the moment to put head on the block and say identical.
thanks again.
think I recall Nigel Benson making some comments in the past about Stuart pattern catalogues - he might have said there were four and they were owned/held by someone, but now don't remember details. I might have that wrong completely, of course.