Glass Identification - Post here for all ID requests > Glass

"Target" Bud Vase - Swedish, Finnish, Murano?

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--- Quote from: "Pinkspoons" ---They pop up quite frequently (and cheaply) on - they're usually listed as 'Panton glasvaser' or somesuch.

But they sell well here in the UK.
--- End quote ---

LOL thanks for the link Nic - it's that old 'Panton Eames' chestnut again  :roll:

EDIT - thanks also Charles - I shall keep my beady eyes on those two babies!

Hi Pip,  :lol:

I have bought off this lady and she packs her pieces really well.

You're welcome!

What a co-incidence - watching the daytime TV bargain/antiques programmes today (as you do!) on Cash in the Attic they had a whole collection of these vases in various sizes and shapes.  The expert wrongly attributed them as Pukeberg - they were then taken along to Ron Wheeler for his consideration (from Artius Glass and contributor to this board) who correctly identified them as Walther.  Nice one Ron!


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