I've checked the four 'bechers' (? we don't know what size they are and that could be a mitigating factor on what they are called given the size of the PV versions) from the MW catalogue that Neil put on the image above, against the Launay Hautin catalogues.
They are MW - 119., 104.,10/120 and 125. (125. on the right being the one similar in design and also similar in shape to my becher).
None of them feature in the 1840 or 1841 Launay Hautin catalogues in my opinion.
Certainly there is not a shape or design that is anything like 104. or 10/120. that I could see.
Becher 125. we have already discussed (the one similar to my becher)
With regard to 119. there is a similar becher in the Launay Hautin 1841 catalogue, which is no 2491
B on planche 80.
http://www.glas-musterbuch.de/Launay-Hautin-1841.21+B6YmFja1BJRD0yMSZwcm9kdWN0SUQ9ODk0JnBpZF9wcm9kdWN0PTIxJmRldGFpbD0_.0.htmlHowever the differences are:
- the lenses are rounded ovals on the Baccarat version rather than the squared ovals seen on the MW version
- the shape
appears to me to be slightly wider at the top and more flared at the rim on the MW picture than that on the Launay Hautin
Now, it could be argued I am nit-picking, but there are other items in the Launay Hautin 1841 and 1840 catalogues that
do depict the squared oval lenses seen on the MW version. Just not on the becher 119.
There are examples of these on planche 77 in both catalogues and they are 2415, 2414, and 2417.
http://www.glas-musterbuch.de/Launay-Hautin-1841.21+B6YmFja1BJRD0yMSZwcm9kdWN0SUQ9ODg3JnBpZF9wcm9kdWN0PTIxJmRldGFpbD0_.0.htmli.e. there is a distinction in the Launay Hautin catalogue and some items have the rounded oval lenses and some have the squared oval lenses.
From the MW drawings, becher 119. has the squared oval lenses, whereas the one in the catalogue has the rounded oval lenses.
So none of the four MW 'bechers' in my opinion match in both shape and design.
btw, I am not at all bothered if mine is MW or Baccarat - admittedly I'd be a little bit perturbed if I found out it was made yesterday though
I did notice there was a query on the MW site about the odd numbering system of the MW Catalogue.
I wonder if it is because the molds have come from different sources? would that be relevant or is it equally random on the blown glass items?